Sunday, July 24, 2005


This is the pic I took after performing Tawaf at mid-day. As you can see, it's really really sweltering...

I'll try to fish out more pics later.

I upgraded to IE 6.0 and finally, my basic blogger features are fully functional! I've been wanting to upload these pics taken during the Umrah for some time... the resolution is as good as it can get on my Acer digicam (2001!!).

This is just one of the entrance to the Haram at Makkah - it is called 'Bab-Abdul Aziz' (Bab in Arabic means 'gate'). I took this pic after Fajr...

A view of the same gate in the afternoon, Zuhr time... in the background, all those tall buildings are part of the 'palace' built on Mount Ajyad or 'Jebel Ajyad'. Needless to say, you can only stay there if you're Saudi Arabian royalty.


Asmaa said...

And I thought that it was hot where I live. Those pictures are lovely, thank you for sharing.

I really want to go, but it's not going to happen unless I get married or something - we have a big family and my dad insists that we do everything together. There's no way he'd let me or any of his children go alone. So the only way to get there is to go with your husband. Sigh.

I feel sorry for the sap that thinks I'm marrying him for his looks. Hahaha >:D

Anonymous said...


MashaAllah Asmaa that is the BEST thing I have heard.
You'll marry a guy coz "I wanted to go for Hajj/Ummrah"

> my dad insists that we do everything together

You have other sisters you know, what if your dad does not allow you to get married unless all the other sisters find guys too?!

Ameera: Great pics, MashaAllah I'll keep checking your blog for future pics. SubhanAllah it looks so beautiful & peaceful.
Keep praying for all of us & da Ummah